staring it from the top

April 4, 2006

    A very warm welcome to all. Let me start off with what people and more importantly I feel about my hair(style).

    Back home, parents are very much against me growing long hair. I have a feeling that mom likes it, but does not accept it in front of dad; and often joins him in mocking @ my hair. They refuse to give me money to straighten it (my hair starts to curl once the water used for setting it dries up). Brother has been the only one from whom I get constant encouragement.

    Friends at college are no better. They are hostile towards accepting my ‘lamba baal’. Some of them( esp. roll no 1, and the notty boy who got his leg broken by E&I maddy) are feeling jealous, as they have already developed bald patches:)

    Also disciplinary committee members(i.e. watchdogs outside every building) barring our PD Mr. Milk(Tamil) have been bugging and sometimes threatening me to cut it off.

    In spite of all this heavy criticism and mocking, I remain focused on my goal( as any professional should) to grow long hair. I have overcome many obstructions like evading disciplinary committee members when I see them in the college and not getting caught. I’m also ready to face more obstructions of any other sort.

    I know my hair looks messed up now. But I want people to remember that this is the intermediate stage in the long process of hair growth. I request you all to be patient till it grows sufficiently long, for me to tie it up.

    Final word: if people are getting accustomed to seeing the ever bopped ‘female peacock’(Hindi jante ho?) of our dept, with long hair, Y NOT ME?

7 Responses to “staring it from the top”

  1. lokesh Says:

    Hmmm…so can u tell me exactly why are you growing hair ? You looked good with short hair dude…

  2. arun Says:

    chumma wanted to see how i’d look with it. nothin more. its always better to try out new things in life.. probably even u can try this πŸ™‚
    and thanks appriciating my short hair too.

  3. nice to see u bloging.welcum to blogosphere ..i have blog rolled u into my blog ..and as far as the long hair is concerned . well, i accept u in the last bit, yurz is betta than peacock hair.

  4. sandhya Says:

    ur saved by a hair’s breadth from me?whats in an inch long hair-i keep cutting it hehe

  5. karthik Says: receding hair line and ur shit hair style accounts to the same..
    i would hv supported u growin long hair but dude u crossed the line..believe me ur head looks like monkeys head..:-)

  6. arun Says:

    never had i mentioned ur name anywhere.. u r exposing urself:)

  7. lokesh Says:

    Monkey’s head looks much better da….lol… πŸ™‚

    No hard feeling dude…just jokin…seriously today your hairstyle looked much better.

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